Category: Parent Support

Great Expectations Mister Meister Singapore

Great Expectations

Do you have a child who is struggling in school? Do you dread parent-teacher meetings where all you hear is bad news? Maybe you’ve received texts from the teachers all year about how your...

Knowing the Score Mister Meister Singapore

Knowing the Score

Working hard to achieve a higher T-score is not about beating the competition, but about creating opportunities. A higher T-score basically allows for more options for Secondary schools and their respective streams. The cut-off...

Sex Education Mister Meister Singapore

Sex Education

Some time this term, Primary 6 students in Singapore would have to undergo various sex education programmes, usually vaguely titled with some euphemism for ‘sexuality’. It’s a difficult conversation to put off, given how...

Picking the Right CCA Mister Meister Singapore Primary School

Picking the Right CCA

Co-curricular activities take up huge chunks of time in a regular school week. It’s an important component of holistic education and helping your child become a more well-rounded student. Some CCAs last for a...