Category: Articles

Knowing the Score Mister Meister Singapore

Knowing the Score

Working hard to achieve a higher T-score is not about beating the competition, but about creating opportunities. A higher T-score basically allows for more options for Secondary schools and their respective streams. The cut-off...

Every School a Good School Mister Meister Singapore

Every School a Good School

The catchphrase was first coined by then Minister for Education Mr Heng Swee Keat, and sparked off many lively discussions on various online forums on what constitutes a good school. Some defined it by...

Going with the Stream Mister Meister Singapore

Going with the Stream

The word “streaming” often elicits a negative knee-jerk reaction and triggers, in some adults, traumatic memories of being labelled and pigeon-holed. I believe that this bad rep is due to the prevalent social narrative...

Sex Education Mister Meister Singapore

Sex Education

Some time this term, Primary 6 students in Singapore would have to undergo various sex education programmes, usually vaguely titled with some euphemism for ‘sexuality’. It’s a difficult conversation to put off, given how...

The Sacredness of School Mister Meister Singapore

The Sacredness of School

A revelation hit me many years ago while I was watching some students perform a dance item during assembly. Two of the dancers were from my class and they had on the biggest smiles...