Category: Opinion

Remembering My Teachers Mister Meister Singapore

Remembering My Teachers

None of the institutions of my childhood education exist anymore, not my primary or secondary schools or my junior college. While the sites have been repurposed and the buildings demolished, the memory of my...

Inclusive Classrooms Mister Meister Singapore 1

Inclusive Classrooms

As a teacher, I’ve encountered many children with special needs; be it dyslexia, ADHD, ADD and different ranges of autism. This article does not propose any solutions to the challenges, but is just a...

The Right to Learn Mister Meister Singapore

The Right to Learn

It was one of those days when that challenging student decided to act up. I stopped the class and addressed his misdemeanour, determined to win the power struggle. I prolonged the agony, giving him...

Every School a Good School Mister Meister Singapore

Every School a Good School

The catchphrase was first coined by then Minister for Education Mr Heng Swee Keat, and sparked off many lively discussions on various online forums on what constitutes a good school. Some defined it by...

Going with the Stream Mister Meister Singapore

Going with the Stream

The word “streaming” often elicits a negative knee-jerk reaction and triggers, in some adults, traumatic memories of being labelled and pigeon-holed. I believe that this bad rep is due to the prevalent social narrative...

The Sacredness of School Mister Meister Singapore

The Sacredness of School

A revelation hit me many years ago while I was watching some students perform a dance item during assembly. Two of the dancers were from my class and they had on the biggest smiles...

Racial Harmony Day Mister Meister Singapore

Racial Harmony Day

On 21 July 1964, a riot broke out, mainly between the Chinese and Malays, around Victoria street and Geylang. It was fuelled by deep-seated distrust between the races and occurred against the backdrop of...

Our Beef with the Sacred Cow Mister Meister

Our Beef with the Sacred Cow

Lately, there has been a lot of buzz regarding revamping our education system and high-stakes exams like the PSLE. However, I feel that a lot of the arguments address only the tip of the iceberg...