Author: Mister Meister

Having Faith in Our MOE Kindergartens Mister Meister Singapore

Having Faith in Our MOE Kindergartens

Lately, an article on parents fighting for faith-based kindergartens has been making its rounds on social media. Many of the interviewees paint privately-owned kindergartens as “fighting to stay in existence” against being “taken over”...

The Right to Learn Mister Meister Singapore

The Right to Learn

It was one of those days when that challenging student decided to act up. I stopped the class and addressed his misdemeanour, determined to win the power struggle. I prolonged the agony, giving him...

Knowing the Score Mister Meister Singapore

Knowing the Score

Working hard to achieve a higher T-score is not about beating the competition, but about creating opportunities. A higher T-score basically allows for more options for Secondary schools and their respective streams. The cut-off...

Every School a Good School Mister Meister Singapore

Every School a Good School

The catchphrase was first coined by then Minister for Education Mr Heng Swee Keat, and sparked off many lively discussions on various online forums on what constitutes a good school. Some defined it by...

Going with the Stream Mister Meister Singapore

Going with the Stream

The word “streaming” often elicits a negative knee-jerk reaction and triggers, in some adults, traumatic memories of being labelled and pigeon-holed. I believe that this bad rep is due to the prevalent social narrative...

Sex Education Mister Meister Singapore

Sex Education

Some time this term, Primary 6 students in Singapore would have to undergo various sex education programmes, usually vaguely titled with some euphemism for ‘sexuality’. It’s a difficult conversation to put off, given how...